Today, mommy bought something for me. Normally I am very excited and happy if she buys me anythings. But this time, the thing she bought for me, I am not excited at all!
See! She bought this!

A stoooopid blower. I hate blowing! I don't like people blowing my hair. Mommy even said she actually wanted to buy the one like school... the power blower. Luckily she did not. This one already going to kill me... don't talk about the POWER ONE!
Mom: Get a powerful one, shorter time to blow you, so you no need suffer so long lor!Mommy don't blow her hair, why do I need to blow uh? Anyway, I know I got no choice... I am mommy's girl...
This is how the actual blower looks like:

It got 2 speed and 2 temperature, 2200W. This one is used by professional in the salon. The
hooooman one. Actually she wanted to buy a branded one, but when someone tells her "Branded one also made in China right?" then she laughs.. and end up she bought this one after trying it.
I don't look forward for my next bath session.
And she also bought this:

Wee wee pad... she bought TONNES of it...(I don't study maths, I don't know how much is "tonne") LOL... anyway, the stock can last for a year at least :P
If you don't know what is wee wee pad... it means my toilet. I pee & poo on it. I don't pee/poo anywhere else. Mommy said I am good girl, so I deserve her bed. If mommy remove my pad to somewhere else, I will still look for it and pee. If I look the entire house still can't find any pad, then I got no choice but to whine at mommy. If she not around, I will pee at the spot where mommy always put the pad. I am good girl, right?